Sunday, 12 February 2012

A Little Info On Each Track From The Jonny K. EP...

My People:
This track is actually pretty old...i wrote this MONTHS ago..back when i was still kinda new to rapping..but it was a good verse tho..a few of u prolly heard this before cuz this is the verse i spit when people just ask me to spit somethin lol this was recorded back when i wrote it too...early 2011 i think..possibly the end of 2010..but it never came out cuz it was never mixed and sent to i just re-did it for this project...the beat was originally for Midnight Music..but i wrote to it after hearing a terrible local rap song...(not gonna name not Game lol) and this is what came out..and obviously it doesnt suit the smoothness of Midnight i took it off the project.

Time Out:
I had this beat for a while..i always loved somehow reminds me of like..old fighting or beat em up games like street fighter or double dragon haha..but i wrote this song back in that period a few months ago when i was writing somethin every day..i was kinda on a roll lol and i didnt wanna stop so i decided to write to this was somewhat of a "practice" rap just to say i wrote somethin that day..but i like how this one came out in the end.

No Church In The Wild (My Life):
This is easily my favorite track on this project..might be my favorite track that i've ever done too..i really like how i went at this beat and i covered some deeper more personal thoughts of mine..i like how it came out too..just how i wanted it to hopefully yall like this one as much as i do.

Sweet (Freestyle):
Now before i go any further..for those who still dont know...the term "Freestyle" doesnt always mean somethin spit straight off the im just doin my own thing on Common's Sweet dont go tellin ur friends im the illest freestyler u ever reality i cant freestyle off the top very well at all lol but yea..not much else to say about this..i heard the original song..thought the beat was the sickest shit ever..and wrote to it lol plus i always wanted to mention the whole Drake dissin Common situation..and this was the perfect beat to do it on lol
(Hear this song here)

Now Til' Infinity:
Now this shit right HEEEERE niggaaa???!!! this beat is many rappers spit over this shit too lol my favorite is Curren$y Ft. Roddy - Lysol..the original song is Souls Of Mischief - 93 Til' Infinity..check that out..shit is dope as hell..but anyway..on to my version..."Now Til' Infinity"..this was originally sposed to go on Midnight Music 2...but i figured its just one quick verse..and i didnt really have anything extra to say on this one..and i didnt wanna force anything out on such a classic beat and ruin i closed my book..called it a night..and decided to instead put this one on The Jonny K. EP.
(Hear this song here)

(Bonus) Centerfold:
I decided not too long ago to put this one on the EP..i know yall heard this already...but u loved it so why not hear it again lol..this one was produced by Strat Carter and features Myself, Chuck LarryTrizzy and of course Jay-Tremaine singin the hook u all know and love haha..but yea..what can i say about this one..Chuck told me about Strat to do the beat..sent it to me...i took my in the zone..and wrote my verse..and we recorded it like 2 days later..and it came out nice as fuck :D expect this one on local radio stations sometime soon..(also..i wanna know if anyone was able to figure out who im rappin about on this one..tweet me ur answer?? haha)
(Hear this song here)

Other Facts & Info:

  • This whole project (minus Centerfold) was recorded in one session..during that whole session me and Trizzy finished a total of 11 songs..2 EP..and Triz did 4 songs from his EP (coming later this month)
  • During the recording of this entire EP..i was high as ffffuck
  • During the recording of the intro part of Centerfold and my clean verse (for the radio version) i was also high as ffffuck
  • My People and Now Til' Infinity were both previously recorded elsewhere but were never mixed and sent to me to i re-recorded them for this project

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